Beaver Brook Bridge
A proposed bridge over Beaver Brook, to connect 9,800 ft of donated trail easements within Baboosic Greenway segment Amherst South-02
The Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee is proud to present the Beaver Brook Bridge project, a pivotal development in the establishment of the Baboosic Greenway rail trail. This project is not just a bridge; it's a gateway to unite our community with nature and each other.
Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of three local landowners, the dream of a town-wide rail trail is becoming a reality. These landowners have donated a total of 9,800 feet of trail easements, laying the foundation for what promises to be a breathtaking corridor through the heart of our natural landscapes. This corridor is envisioned as part of a regional trail that could eventually extend across five towns, enhancing access to natural spaces and promoting healthy, eco-friendly transportation.
The site of the proposed Beaver Brook Bridge, with the former railroad's granite abutments still visible
However, a significant natural barrier, Beaver Brook, interrupts this continuous path, dividing the trail and hindering accessibility. Currently, it is impossible to traverse from one side of the donated lands to the other without some way of crossing Beaver Brook.
Map of the Beaver Brook gap within the 9,800 ft of donated trail easements
To overcome this obstacle and realize the full potential of the Baboosic Greenway, we are seeking to construct a 45 ft long rail trail bridge across Beaver Brook. This structure will not only connect the existing trail segments but also preserve the uninterrupted beauty and utility of the trail. The bridge, designed to be durable and multi-use, will feature:
Dimensions: 14 feet wide by 45 feet long
Materials: Galvanized steel stringers with a laminated, pressure-treated timber deck
Design: Specifically for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, but with the ability to support an ambulance in the event of an emergency
Cross section diagram of the proposed bridge
The estimated cost for this construction is $109,320. We are actively pursuing a grant from the Recreational Trails Program (RTP), administered by the NH Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, which we expect will fund $80,000 of the project costs. To cover the remaining $29,320, we are reaching out to our community for support through private donations.
We invite every member of the community to be part of this transformative project. Whether through advocacy, donations, or simply spreading the word, your support is crucial for the Beaver Brook Bridge to become a reality. Together, we can create a lasting legacy that will serve Amherst for generations to come.
For more information on how you can help, or to make a tax-deductable donation, please visit the Amherst Community Foundation's donation page.
Tax deductible pledges or donations may be mailed to address below
or made online by clicking on the donate button above.
Amherst Community Foundation
PO Box 256
Amherst NH 03031
Please reference “Beaver Brook Bridge” on the memo field if you send a check. Thank-you.